A soldier is one who risks his life for the defense of the country. No matter what the tough conditions are at the borders.. they endure.. they work together for the security of the country. They come to protect us even in harsh weather conditions. They are fighting for the protection of the country risking their lives. In order to identify such warriors and help them as much as possible, the organization called ‘I Stand for Warriors’ is going to make the slogan ‘I Stand for Nation’ with the people of the country. ‘I Stand for Nation’ was Started as a tribute to the martyrs of Pulwama attack in 2019. NGO journalist Inturu Harikrishna founded the organization ‘I Stand for Warriors’. ‘I Stand for Warriors’ organization is dealing with many celebrities worldwide including Kiran Ratnam (USA), Dr. Srinivas Uttarwar (UK), Imani Harikrishna Reddy as executive members.
ISFW has now come up with a pan India campaign with the hashtag #isalute2army for our army warriors who are selflessly laying down their lives for the country. On the occasion of National Army Day on January 15, 2023, ISFW has asked every citizen to clap for 60 seconds by chanting #isalute2army at once at 5 pm to salute the heroes. ISFW feels this is a small favor to our life donors.
15th January is very special in the history of Indian Army. Indian Army Day is celebrated on 15th January every year.